
Showing posts from July, 2022

A Job Satisfaction Survey Can Help Uncover Hidden Disengagement Factors Among Employees

In the present scenario, job satisfaction surveys have become an essential component of every business. They are no longer just a ‘good to have;’ rather, they are an aspect that requires a great deal of attention and emphasis. Companies can use these surveys to see how well their employees’ basic aspirations are being met. Management, communication and collaboration, salary expectations, and other topics could be discussed in these surveys. You want to look at different ways to keep your staff motivated and happy to avoid having high turnover rates, don’t you? This is why you should survey your employees on a regular basis to gauge their satisfaction. What can an online job satisfaction survey do for you? By using an  online job satisfaction survey , you can eliminate all of your concerns about how to conduct job satisfaction surveys and make conducting your regular surveys easier. To ensure that you’re asking the right questions, you can either create your own surveys or use ...

The Significance of Positive Employee Experience in Providing Better Service to Customers

When you combine engaged and inspiring employees with well-designed stores, true magic can happen, and brands can flourish. Too often, when it comes to experiential retail, the focus is almost exclusively on customer experiences. Of course, this is critical to any retail format’s long-term survival, but we must look beyond the customer to really comprehend the retail experience. A retail structure must not just function for the customer, but also for the employees. The importance of a positive  employee experience  to the customer. The ability of a customer to engage on a personal level is probably the retail business’s greatest power. The online channel is incapable of doing so, and strangely, the digital age has a heightened need for face-to-face encounters. After interacting with a highly engaged retail salesperson, over 70% of customers believe that staff has a big impact on their shopping experience, and they are more likely to suggest your business. Customers expect enco...

Why Is 360 Feedback Essential for Managers?

Some managers fail to recognize and reward good work, perhaps because they consider their own professional success to be sufficient positive feedback. They must realize that others do not have the same level of confidence as they do, so they require positive feedback. Make sure the  360 feedback  is structured in such a way that colleagues can provide feedback on both strengths and areas for improvement. You can do this with the help of well-structured rating questions and free text that provides context for the ratings. There are undeniably knock-on effects and shockwaves from abusive managers’ repeated actions, which effectively ‘cannot be impressed’ and make their employees feel uneasy both at home and at work. 360 feedback improves communication 360 feedback is a valuable exercise for everyone in a business. It allows all colleagues to observe the manager’s activities, not just those on the manager’s team. Because the feedback is aggregated and anonymous, it’s a way to pro...

The Net Promoter Survey Aids Businesses in Better Understanding Their Customers

Consider how your most loyal and best customers behave. They don’t just interact with your brand once; they do so repeatedly. You must be aware of the fact that returning customers are the lifeblood of any business. Why? They increase revenue. Existing customers are 5 times less expensive to keep than new ones. Even a 5% increase in customer retention increases profits by 25% to 95%. Only 20% of your current customers will account for 80% of future profits. In other words, the revenue stream for which you have been working is already in place and ready to be used. Indeed, it has been doing backflips right under your nose in the hopes of attracting your attention. Customer retention is therefore crucial for long-term success. Furthermore, the Net Promoter Score is an excellent loyalty metric that can be measured using a net promoter survey. NPS stands for Net Promoter Score, and it is a metric that measures the brand’s referability. It determines whether your customers like you enou...