Pulse Surveys Are Essential to Ensure That Your Business Survives the Present Downturn
As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, many employees are forced to work from home. Some of your employees may be adjusting well to the change, whereas others may be under pressure to be productive or live in fear of being laid off. You realize why it's critical to survey employees during this crisis as a responsible and compassionate manager: It conveys the message that you are there and paying attention. Employee trust is built via acts of compassion. For navigating new unknowns, it's a critical source of corporate intelligence. Conducting pulse surveys in these critical times is not only sensible but also critical to ensuring that your company survives the current downturn...... if you do it correctly. The design, execution, and specifics of your survey are critical if you want to receive the most complete picture of your employees' experience. What are the best ways to make the most of your employee pulse surveys? While pulse surveys can be used to assess any ...